Oct 072008


Here is the scene from Mesto Vstrechi Izmenit’ Nel’zya where the argument takes place over whether it’s OK for cops to break the law in pursuit of the bad guys. The Sharapov character pictured here says, “If we break the law once, then once again, if we use it to bridge the gaps in our investigations, it won’t be a law anymore. It will be a bludgeon.”

BTW, it’s interesting that as the argument gets heated between Sharapov and the character played by Vladimir Vysotsky, that Vysotsky’s voice becomes more like the voice he uses in his singing. You can google for YouTube videos of it. I decided to learn more about him after watching this series. But that’s not where I’m going right now.

After watching Mesto Vstrechi a few days ago, I watched Cargo 200 (Gruz 200). That turned out to be a difficult, sickening film to watch. It was even more difficult to make myself watch some of it a second time. There are other parts of it I want to go back to watch again, but so far I haven’t had the stomach for it. But it’s an important film. It shows what kind of society you have when Sharapov’s prediction comes to pass. I’ll have more to say about this one.